Old gay men stories

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Finally, I became a sex object, a ’man toy,’ to cute guys much younger than myself.”ĭirty Young Men and Other Gay Stories is packed full of erotic true stories from the author’s real life experience. Wouldn’t it be nice, I kept hoping, if for once I would fulfill somebody’s sexual fantasies, and be picked for just this reason? Well, at the age of fifty-five, my daydreams started to become a reality. I hadn’t been selected out of a crowd just because someone thought I would be a good lay. Around the age of 11 or 12 I discovered the Nifty Erotic Story Archive and found myself especially fixated on the incest stories. Before reaching this age, nobody had ever been infatuated with my looks or physique. In Dirty Young Men and Other Gay Stories, he relates his experiences with them in intimate detail.ĭirty Young Men and Other Gay Stories is packed full of true younger-loves-older stories from all walks of life and from different countries.įrom the author: “It took me until my middle fifties to become a sex object.

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Joseph Itiel (author of Escort Tales A Consumer’s Guide to Male Hustlers and Sex Workers as Virtual Boyfriends), now in his early seventies, has discovered such young fellows. But a few young guys, sometimes even married ones, are erotically attracted to old men, because of their age.

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It is well known that to most gay men, a shapely, youthful body is the ultimate turn-on. Come on a journey of erotic discovery where young guys seek out old gentlemen!

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